Established in 2008, the small company "FEP" exporting Japanese used cars to the world. My name is Toshihiro Takeuchi, founder of FEP. Our goal is that telling "the value of Japanese cars" to the people all over the world. "FEP" is "F"ast, "E"asy and will be your reliable "P"artner.

About FEP
Company profile
Company name | FAR-EAST POINT LLC |
President | Toshihiro Takeuchi |
Establish | June 2008 |
Business | Exporting used car, truck and car parts |
Address | 8-32-2-202 Kourigaoka Hirakata city Osaka Japan Zip 573-0084 |
Phone and Fax | +81-72-854-5623 | |
Office map